Posted 4/22/2014 8:58 PM (GMT 0)
Hello Everyone,
5 years ago I was bitten by a tick and developed a bulls eye on my arm. My primary care physician told me that it was Lyme and gave me a few weeks of doxycyclene and told me that I would not have to worry about again. I knew nothing about Lyme so I took the meds and forgot about it.
In 2010 I began to have headaches, a soar neck and chest pains. I was sent for a echo-cardiograms on my heart, x-rays on my neck, and an MRI of my brain. Everything came back ok except for the MRI which read "scattered punctate areas in the subcortical white matter". My primary care physician said it was from migraine headaches.
In 2012 my ankles, left knee, and muscles began to ache. My ankles hurt in the morning and the knee pain would last for a week or two, it got better for a few weeks, and then would show up again in a month or so. Also my neck continued to hurt and headaches were constant. At this point my primary care physician gave me an ELSA and Western Blot Test. The ELISA came back positive and the Western Blot Negative. He said I do not have Lyme so again I forgot about Lyme as being the culprit.
(2014) This past year my entire body has been aching and I feel as if I have no energy. My neck is stiff all day,my back is soar, my headaches come and go throughout the day, my concentration is horrible, I can not bend my left knee, my jaw and temples feel as if they are being squeezed, and I am becoming very stressed without having a diagnosis.
Last week my Primary care physician gave me another ELISA and Western Blot test. The ELISA came back positive and the Western Blot Came back showing only band 23KD IGM as being reactive. My Dr. gave me three weeks of 100mg doxycycline but still is not stating if I have Lyme or not. He said just in case, that is not the answer I am looking for.
Can I have Lyme and only have one positive band on the Western Blot. I am so confused and in so much pain.
Thankyou, Mike