thank you all for your quick responses.
I am bruising now so am pretty sure will need to take vit c (powder)
Just feel like something is inside out and upside down in my system
But from what I've been reading this is norm for Lyme !
Yes I do take probiotics the old recipe of ig2000 and also something called gasxacid (?) from zymgen also (suppose to help in lower track)
Really want back on the a-bab as it did help with other symptoms it's just the blockup was soooo bad.
I also feel like I am best friends with the office folks at my naturopaths office ! They are great - so helpful and the doc the bestest.
Has anyone taken mc-bab1 or cryptoplus ? Not suppose to be quite so hard on your system
History: I have been to 3 different docs with 3 different diagnosis and treatments ! The marvel of modern medecine.
thanks again