to love the light and marina moonlight:
thank you both for all your very kind responses. you've both confirmed for me what my intuition was telling me. I suspect too that detox/toxins are a HUGE issue for me--also that i probably have a genetic mutation (MTHFR) that makes it difficult for my body to detox and also results in a b-12 deficiency. I started taking "active" forms of b-12 (inactive doesn't work), a few days ago, and feel better than i have in a LONG time, (i actually felt "something" within a few hrs of taking the first, small dose) so i think this is at least a part of the picture. This i found out about from a support group for cfs, which, of course, i have, after being sick for 15-18 yrs now.
MM: i tried taking doxy about a year ago (not really sure why the doc i saw at that time prescribed it), but it made me so sick i just couldn't tolerate it. I ordered buhner's book today from amazon. someone else suggested horowitz--i think that's available from my library, so i'll get that one as well.
thanks so much to you both!