Thank you I am sorry you struggle with this too, but at the same time its very comforting to know im not alone!
If you are
open to it i would love to keep in contact with you over email to talk about
experiences. I'm having a really hard time keeping up with forum messages cause my memory is not good anymore!
MelodyMaker said...
Hi Ruth,
Wow, thanks for sharing. I just joined this site, but I completely related to your story. I think just by being here, you are on the right track. I think I've had this untreated for about 14 years and I'm grateful to finally know why my body has been so out of whack for so long!
My health starting unraveling when I was 12, I couldn't digest anything, loosing my hair, joint problems, depression, mood issues, bloating, etc. When I turned 14, I was in such bad shape I was hospitalized for a month, I was like 60lbs at that point, my heart barely beating. No one knew what was wrong with me, even after a million tests, they couldn't tell me it was Lyme. I got better, had to re-learn how to walk, but joints, bones, brain, digestion, hormones, nothing has been right or consistently functioning since. In high school my back went out and have had scoliosis since.
I tested positive for Lyme a year ago when symptoms were under control and doctor said my body fought it off and didn't need anti-biotics. Then I'm trying to work on a show and play drums in a band this winter and couldn't get out of bed. I think from being so cold on set and doing exterior shots, anyway, got pnuemonia and have been in and out of the hospital since. Gallbladder wasn't able to digest fats, stomach was a mess, felt like I was starving to death.
Trying to explain all this to my band mates, then they told me about Kathleen Hannah's documentary, that you mentioned, so at least they understand Lyme better. Besides the no energy, now the Lyme is in my hand, in the tendons, making it very hard to play drums. Kathleen Hannah spoke in NJ recently and my band mates got to meet her and we got an interview and a show because of her promoter. She was very nice and accessible.
Anyway, it's been 6 months of barely being able to get out of bed so I've been looking for answers myself. My family doesn't understand Lyme either. I want to say the thing that helped me the fastest when I was very toxic and not digesting well, was a device called a PEMF. Do a search for that in your area and you'll probably find a doctor, fitness center, or chiropractor office with one. That jump started my body into having more energy to heal itself.
You are not alone, hearing your story validated my own experiences- thank you:)