Yes she has co-infections...Mycoplasma for sure and he will treat for babasia. She will start a new regiment in phase 3 in 3 weeks that is supposed to address the co-infections. We have being treated for 3 months...the protocol pulses 2 weeks on 1 week off 4 times, then we did 2 on 2 off, (currently in this phase) for two rounds. All of this is M, W, Friday week one and same week two but add flagyl on thursday and Friday of every second week. She seems to get sick after time off when starting the abx.
I am interested in trying anything for the swelling if it doesn't conflict with the abx...I am skeptical though as everything we have tried has failed over the last 8 weeks...no change noted at all in most cases. I will check out the herbals you mentioned...it all looks very confusing with all the different products. I prefer pills if possible as she has had diffculty with powders in liquids and it turns into a battle to get her to drink things.