Hi all. Although I'll be gone from the site for a couple weeks and not able to join in, I suggest starting a new thread specifically for neuro/psych Lyme issues, and another for Kids with Lyme - to find more specfiic feedback.
If you use the Google custom search box near the very top right corner of the page (right under Join Healing Well in the top dark blue bar) you can find old posts which will show you how widespread these problems are. (Denial, lack of support, rage, etc.)
I wonder how many people are unwilling to mention the rage aspect because it has such negative connotations. I have delt with some serious emotional issues in my son, including rage and depression. I am very relieved to say most of his temper trouble went away with antibiotic treatment. Hows that for off label? No, it wasn't actually prescribed for the emotional issues, it was for MY peace of mind because I THOUGHT my son had Lyme. Duh! The CDC thinks so too!
I wish my whole family was behind me in treating my son. Fortunately I do have one person who is and that helps me cope with the resistance from other people. The people here on this site have been priceless.
I like to listen to parents of kids the same age to find out what their kids worst days are like. It helps me know what is likely to be a normal snit vs a Lyme influenced rage.
If you can reduce your son's time killing zombies I think that is a good idea. Even if his gaming continues with a less violent game, studies show the violence in games is harmful to emotional balance.
I tell my son many of the things I learn about Lyme effects so he can know not every feeling he gets is just part of him. Make sure you give each kid some 'them-centered' time, some how, some way. If they get too left out you will have a heap of resentment to deal with too. (You centered time - hard to come by - can save your own sanity!)
Most of all, pick your battles. Don't waste much time trying to make believers out of those who don't want to believe. Just skip the explanations. He's sick in bed today. Not he's having a Lyme day. Whatever is the least arguable statement. Don't give an opportunity to debate what you know. You know your kid best.
As for diarhea if you check the labels on the various probiotics, there's a lot of different good bugs available. A wide variety seems most likely to be like our original mix. There's past posts about brands and mixes.
Happy hunting for good bugs. Happy hunting the bad bugs. I want a taxidermied Bb on a slide.