Hi all,
You welcomed me warmly last month when I was so excited to realize I may FINALLY have an answer to what's been ailing me all these years. Yet, some warned me that the road won't be easy. Ummm yeah, the quest for a diagnosis has just begun and I'm already feeling worn down emotionally. The "specialists" that accept my insurance have been rude, condescending, and not very thorough in the tests requested, in my opinion. :-(
I made the requests last month for the 3 names of ILADS-trained LLMD docs in my area but was so dismayed to learn of their very expensive appointment prices and that they don't accept insurance. Is this the rule for LLMDs, and if so, why? I can make a guess about
the politics of Lyme, but I'm hoping it is not the rule...
Any recs for how to locate an LLMD that does accept insurance, or is this like asking to see a live unicorn?
I'm in Manhattan, NYC.