Hi Hornet,
I'm the one
I saw your thread earlier on, but couldn't answer yet.
Yersinia is a difficult one... I still can not entirely wrap my head around it yet, it's complicated.
I had a positive stool test beginning of this year. My llmd then gave me a course of Ofloxacine, but he warned me that it might be more complicated because I got the wrong abx (from another dr) just prior to that.
Then I had a negative PCR test, three months later a positive IgG and IgA test. My dr thinks the infection has gone systemic.
I'm supposed to start IV abx for it in a few weeks.
My main symptoms are (I think, cause it all overlaps eachother): persistent Erythema Nodosum (over 20yrs), persistent gi problems (violent cramps, daily sudden diarrhea, stomach issues (bile reflux, acid reflux, nausea), a lot of air), very intense lower back pain, and probably more, but I'm not sure if it is the Borreliosis, Bartonellosis or Yersiniosis.
This is a very intersting document, about
the only one I found about
(chronic) Yersiniosis:
www.praxis-berghoff.de/dokumente/infektiologische_differentialdiagnose-engl.pdfand also this (I have a lot of joint issues..., but I don't know what caused it, since I also have Lyme and Bartonella):
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7960501I have a suspicion I might have had this infection for a long time. I still need to have a proper discussion about
this with my llmd.
So I'm still trying to put some chronology in all of this... I'll certainly have more information after my appointment.
Can I ask you if you are in the US or in Europe (I read you had the LTT Elispot test, hence my question)?
Does your dr think you have chronic Yersiniosis, or an acute infection? If so, and you are in Europe, and able to read German, there are is a German forum that has more information.
If you prefer to email me through pm, you can find my email address by clicking on my name or using the blue envelope under my name.