Hi Girlie, Ceftin is a really good Lyme drug and perhaps one of the best we have available. It is effective in it's mechanism of action where it punctures holes in the spirochetes. I think Dr. B got rid of his Lyme with ceftin... and so did Opugirl on here.
It also kills spirochetes regardless if they are dividing or not. Much more effectively than other drugs like amoxi or biaxin.
It also get's into the brain and fluid compartments of the body quite well.
The only thing is, will you be able to tolerate it? I took my first dose recommended by my Dr. which was 1 gram of ceftin (2 x 500 mg pills), plus 500 mg of biaxin, plus 100 mg mino. It was like everything in my entire digestive tract died and so I was advised to stay off of it. It could be that the medication just doesn't agree with me? Or maybe 1 gram dose was simply to high for me.
I hope it works for you! Some people are allergic, some people have a bad reaction ( like me), and some people can tolerate it easy!
Also I think we talked about varying toxicities between different antibiotics before? Or we touched on it. I think ceftin is more towards the less toxic side compared to many other abx. But everyone of course reacts to these meds differently.