I always have to give some thought to your info. Lots of info I have to digest :) If you don't mind, was your daughter perfectly fine before she was bit? Do you know when she was bit or was she born with delays?
I did consult with a ped psychologist and I didn't get anywhere because my son is fully developed as far as school is concerned, he has no late developments of any kind, so they want him to go to school. But because he had a few seizures, they suggested to put him in some type of special ed. I got the same suggestion from the school as well, and I pretty much lost it, because despite all this, he is still an honor student. What they were suggesting was to place him with kids that have (some of them) up to 100 seizures a day! That is what the school counselor said to me, after I question her what kind of students would there be in the class. THat is not his case, my son doesn't have seizures at school, but only at night, he got a total of 6 grand mal on 4 different nights--only at night (seizures started last year=about
1 year after the bulls eye rash) and they stopped since he is on Abx. Please understand that I don't want to bash special ed for the kids that really need it, I think it is great that is available and it should be, but what kind of learning environment would be to move an honor student who got a few seizures his whole life and only at night, of which he has NO recollection of, with kids that have seizures all they long, away from the few friends he has?
Was your daughter diagnosed with ADHD, motor delay and Asperger's AFTER she was bit or was she born with them--Maybe congenital lyme?
I do not want my son to be sort of stamped as special ed when he is not. His school work didn't suffer so far, I am simply confused weather or not he should be special ed. He doesn't act up at school, no one at school would even believe he has behavior problems. It is at home when he shows "the other side". At school he never got a "step" or get into any trouble. Never.
I think you did a fantastic job with your daughter and I admire you! You got sooooo far! But what they were trying to do with the "help" I think would be the most detrimental for my son, to be surrounded by students way below his level all day long, when he just has an infection, not a permanent condition (I hope). He doesn't have any of the writing/motor delays and I think being around kids that do all the time, is going to make him feel he is much seeker than he is and make him feel he will end up just like them. He is in pain a lot and I don't think special ed would help with his pain.
Again, I really admire your determination and how far you got with your daughter, but I hope you understand my position. I think it's a slippery slope to go that way for him, that may only make him get worse psychologically. He is no doubt psychologically affected by this, he gets seizure like episodes when the pain is overwhelming and he feels terrible. But the EEG shows that these are not real seizures, and they are related to an overwhelming feeling (most likely his pain). He NEVER gets this at school, probably because his mind is focused on something that they are doing. As he started to feel better, he doesn't get them at home much either, and there are days when he gets none.
As you, I feel that the infection has to be addressed and I do not see how those psych meetings would help much, when they teach him how to deal with stress, instead of someone treating the cause of his stress. Sort of like, enough is enough, we've been to infection disease, immunologist, neurologist, cardio, pulmonologist, ENT, and I can't even remember a couple of others. Give him some abx already to get rid of the cause of his problems!
So I feel that there should be some sort of accommodations for kids without mixing everyone in the special ed classes. But without a letter from the drs, they won't do any accommodations such as taking the elevator because his legs hurt. None of the drs believe he is in so much pain because of an infection and they all say that he was treated for 1 mo with doxy and he doesn't have lyme anymore. Maybe the LLMD will be more helpful. The principal told me they have a program that can allow students to come to school part time and complete the rest of their work at home. But without a letter from the dr, the principal can't do it.
Thanks again!
Post Edited (Simela1) : 1/22/2015 12:56:32 AM (GMT-7)