Girlie said...
dacarte - my LLND suggested I take that several months ago. I still haven't purchased it.
When I look at the ingredients i don't see anything that really 'stands out'.
As far as anti-microbial - there is Teasel and Black Walnut hulls.
Not sure what the Lomatium does - but it can cause a rash - so be aware of that if you do start it.
I'm not sure why Simela said that Teasel can't be taken with abx. Have you heard that?
That's exactly how I felt when looking at the ingredients.
However, allegedly, Teasel, seems pretty awesome. It can, allegedly, go deep into the tissues and bones and work, "pulling" the hiding bacteria out (allegedly).
If so I'll just buy it individually and add it to the Buhner protocol.