teragram said...
He's an excellent doctor; very well known in the field.
With reputation unfortunately, comes expense, so he's pretty darned expensive.
He's good at testing, and uses the PCR and Stony Brook, along with Igenex.
The last time I saw him, he was not using alternative medicine, though some of his NPs do.
He recommends Buhner if you can only do herbs.
You might have to say "no" to some of the testing; I found that some of it was unnecessary, unless it was used to prove to other doctors that I did indeed have Chronic Lyme.
Would your parents pay or be able to drive you?
Both my parents said they would do anything they could to help me get better, even if it means spending a decent amount of money or driving far. I would help with the expenses though because I don't want them spending hundreds of dollars just because I got sick. If this doctor really is that good, then I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking me to see him. Would it be a good idea to get my Igenex test done before I go see him?