Hello Mindbyte - I can feel the despair in your post...I am so sorry you have been ill for so long - and no Dr. has tried to get to the bottom of it.
It is true, that sometimes, by the time we get diagnosed with lyme, everyone around us has had enough of our illness...and now we're just beginning our treatment - with bumps and turns, ups and downs along the way.
The good news...you have found us...this is a caring, knowledgeable community. We can help you find a LLMD - who will then evaluate you, test you, and diagnose whether you have lyme disease or not.
Along with waiting for members to send you names of LLMD's, you can also contact ILADS Physician Referral - here is the link:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/You will need to enable your email option so members can send you names - as we aren't allowed to post the names of the LLMD's on the forum - due to privacy reasons.
To enable email: Click on "My Profile" (blue bar up top), then Click on "Edit Profile', then scroll down and select "show my email"...then scroll down to the bottom and click on "submit" to save your changes.
Good luck!