Hi everyone,
I'm currently being treated for suspected Bartonella with Ciproxin and Rifampicin and have been taking this for about
5 - 6 weeks. I've also been diagnosed with Lyme, myco, rickettsia and Babesia.
2 weeks ago, I started to get really itchy everywhere. I do usually have a bit of eczema which is kept under control. At first there was no rash but I guess I scratched it so much that I created one. I have the rashes on my stomach, back, bum, legs, arms, neck and pretty much everywhere on my body.
Here are some photos (and sorry I'm in my underwear): imgur.com/a/DAtp7#0They look like eczema patches but some places look like an actual rash with red dots and raised bumps. I'm also getting pimples on my chest. I suspected Candida as the last time I visited my LLMD I had a white coated tongue but he didn't give me anything stronger than the Nilstat I was taking.
I decided to take oregano oil and olive leaf extract to help kill it and stop all sugar intake and I started to get the flu and feel pretty crappy. And I still do. Could this rash be Lyme, Bart, or Candida? What do you think?
Also my periods have been ultra weird lately. I've been on the contraceptive pill for 3 years with no problems. My period comes exactly on the day it's supposed to. Except last time, a few days before I was meant to have it, I started spotting for a few days and then it stopped. So I assumed that was my period and carried on taking active pills. I'm about
a week into my pack and now I have my full blown period.. This has never happened before. Can Lyme + co mess with your periods?
Thanks all! <3