I'm so sorry that your doctor gave you wrong information about
Lyme not being common in Florida. You wouldn't believe the number of people that email me alone for referrals to LLMD's in Florida. Lyme is indeed a REAL problem in Florida as well.
The bull's eye rash is 100% diagnostic for Lyme. This is the only time the bacteria stays 'trapped" in just one area. Once the rash disappears, it's gone into the tissues, to find the blood stream and start replicating. Catching it now could prevent you from having to undergo months to years of treatment. And take it from those of us that have had Lyme for 10 years or more (I did for 40 yrs) - it's one thing you want to avoid at almost all costs.
Symptoms don't always appear immediately, but those doctors that have been properly trained about
how to treat these infections by ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases) all say, "treat the bite" :
/sites.google.com/site/getitrighttreatthebite//sites.google.com/site/drjoneskids/treat-the-biteSometimes years will pass before symptoms start after a particularly stressful time in a person's life - but at that point in time, the bacteria has also had
years to get deeply embedded into your body - and much, much harder to get it back under control.
If you don't start treatment very quickly, you will loose the chance to rid your body of the Lyme bacteria and will have to treat for chronic Lyme. That will mean taking abx for months, and many end up in treatment for years on those same abx that you are trying to avoid using for likely just the 2 - 3 months if you were to treat now.
Lyme disease itself lowers the immune system. Most anyone that has chronic Lyme has to have therapies designed specifically for raising the immune function if we are to heal. There are a lot of angles that must be addressed when the person has Lyme - and if you stop to think about
it - doctors are prescribing these high dose, long term abx in order to get people out of the misery of chronic Lyme - so not taking abx because of the risks associated with them will make it so that you will likely have to be on them for a very long time.
Your doctor is almost certainly using either an inhouse lab, Quest or Labcorp - none of these labs understand how to run the tests so that they are most sensitive. They don't test for more than 2 or 3 of the over 100 strains known to cause human illness, they don't use the right testing medium (the stuff in the petri dish), and they don't allow the Lyme bacteria the time to replicate that it needs. Lyme is one of the most complex bacteria that is know at this time - as it can literally hide from the immune system, and can penetrate any organ or bone - even the brain.
The ELISA misses 70% of those that actually have the infection, The Western Blot misses 50% of those that actually have the infection.
I seriously hope that you will reconsider finding an ILADS trained LLMD and starting treatments, as you posted pictures of a perfect bulls eye rash - which means you have Lyme.