Hi! I started treatment for Lyme four weeks ago and see a LLMD here in Europe because I for various reasons have to stay here while I am sick. However, I am concerned the treatment will not be aggressive enough and will be a slow moving process compared to how I see a lot of the LLMD's treat back in the US. I hope someone can help me out please!!
I recently got confirmed Mycoplasma and bordering-positive Bartonella tests. My CD57 came back 90 - though I am wondering if various herbs, supplements and Adderall/Amphetamines can influence my results as I've been supporting my body to the best of my ability for many months before seeing the LLMD and getting tested for the first time-(??). I am still waiting for the Lyme test to come back but my Babesia was negative (though I believe I might have this), as was the Anaplasma and Brucella. Should I be checking for any more infections? I am worried something will go undetected!
I feel I am very ill. I'm not able to work nor study (on disability/welfare) and I'm house-bound (couch-bound that is). I've gotten to the point where I take Adderall daily to avoid being bed-bound (without it I am pretty much a vegetable). I feel the Adderall/Amphetamines kind of masks how sick I really am because most of my pains and the horrifying headaches disappear when I take it, my brain fog and cognitive dysfunction also lessens a little, though it is still really really bad, and obviously I have A LOT more energy _compared_ to when I don't take it (though I am not able to, say, shower daily). I am in my early 20's and am devastated at how my life has been reduced, I basically have lost my life - and I was just getting started on this journey of life. Even with the Adderall the extreme fatigue is the worst thing I've experienced with this disease. It is so disabling, truly crippling.
My Horowitz's questionaire score is 140, so I have almost all of the symptoms, and even more not listed. My eyesight is getting worse, so are my skin issues (patterns, colors, bumps, "acne", texture, muscles, rheumatic stuff++), I even have
black specks coming out of my skin as well. Pains in my nerves are increasing, sensitivity as high as ever, lumps appearing on my legs the last half year, chills, overheating, fevers, sweat, spasms in my eye/feet/legs/heart/all over, blablabla. The other day my mom drove me to the doctor's office. I didn't even recognize where I was even though I had been there so many times, I really had no idea and my mom was shocked and scared. I've been sick with 'something' since 2008 and ever since my health has slowly declined with the worst being extreme chills and feverish/overheating feelings daily until last year. For some reason early 2014 my health totally collapsed- I started feeling so fatigued, got a tooth infection and lost some gum within 2 weeks, bad night sweat, shortness of breath got really bad, shortly after broke out in itchiness and had these black things come out of my skin all over, the most extreme exhausting sickening fatigue I've ever experienced started (never left), racing heart, heart palpilations, shortly after got hit with what felt like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's - it was really scary, broke so many dishes, fell all over the place, loss of coordination, couldn't form a sentence, forgot words, names of family members, can't read, etc and since then more symptoms have just been added to the list every month. Had to move back home to my parents'- they are helping taking care of me. I just got my electrical wheelchair so I can "walk" my dog or go to the store when I feel like it. Got diagnosed with M.E. early this year, and sometimes it honestly feels like my brain is bleeding inside.
I am currently taking Azithromycin 500 mg and Tinidazole 500 mg ; one every other day. I've heard about
a few other patients our LLMD doctor has put on IV antibiotics-
WHY is it that some are put on IV? Are their conditions far worse than mine?
What really
DEFINES "severly" affected?? Does my illness not seem like it is that neurological/severe?
I am just worried this doctor is not aggressive enough (though I like that he incorporates some herbal support). I just feel like there is more that needs to be done, - (not so much from my end because I try my best to stay on top,) - in addition to probably adjusting and adding 2 or 3 antibiotics next time I see him. I don't know-- sometimes I feel like it is not that bad and then other times when I am off Adderall or it shines through or I wake up nearly paralyzed for a while I am just feeling angry and not taken seriously. Like, I am seriously disabled and it is incredibly surreal and I really feel like I am about
to explode out of frustration. I feel like a prisoner in my own body!