Girlie said...
My Dr. doesn't test the CD57. I have been reading that a lot of the LLMD's don't find it to be useful/reliable predictor of treatment progression.
Having said that, a 0 count is interesting? What did you Dr. say about that. has he seen that before?
She simply said "We see low numbers in people with chronic lyme... your numbers are non-existent, so this whole part of your immune system needs to improve. We will retest every three months and evaluate with how you feel." She also said that I tested positive for micoplasma pnueumonia (but no active infection) and needed to keep an eye on it while my immune system is suppressed.
I was infected with Lyme as a child, and undiagnosed for 12-15 years. I was chronically sick from 4-19 with tonsilitis, colds, mono, strep, sinus infections, and ear infections. At 18 started experiencing neurological symptoms, was told it was MS but I had no lesions. Got diagnosed this July, at 20 after western blot. Not sure if this would explain my non-existent cd57, but to me it does!