Hi all...I know we like to tell everyone that ILADS doctors are the gold standard but I've now had two experiences where ILADS trained doctors are ignoring Lyme specific bands and clinical symptoms and just saying "you don't have Lyme" because the test isn't positive.
I went into my LLMD (again, ILADS trained) with a CDC Positive test and she initially said "you don't have Lyme" (my StonyBrook test that she ran didn't come up positive, but it did have a positive 93 band.)
It took several months for me to convince her to treat me.
I sent my mom to a doctor in NJ who is a founder of ILADS and my mom had a Lyme specific band on her test (but it wasn't overall positive), and she sent out for more tests, and now the dr. just cancelled her appointment and said her tests don't indicate Lyme.
I don't understand. How are we supposed to find doctors to believe us? I'm sorry, this is just really frustrating.