This is what you need in regards to treatment as shared by Girlie:
Girlie said...
Here is an excerpt of the Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines (ILADS)
Single erythema migrans with no constitutional symptoms:
1) Adults: oral therapy
- must continue until symptom and sign free for at least one month,
with a 6 week minimum."
The biggie is remaining symptom and sign free for at least one month. If you develop *any* symptoms or signs when taking doxy, you will require further treatment.
As I mentioned in my earlier post on here, I had no symptoms at the time of the tick bite (and I didn't have the rash). Since it was a nymph deer tick that bit me and I live in an epidemic area, I knew to ask my GP for antibiotics.
She didn't know enough about
Lyme to continue treatment after I reported a stiff neck the 2nd day I was on doxy.
I've since learned that the stiff neck indicates that the Lyme traveled to my central nervous system....and that explains why I later developed Bells Palsy.
Lyme is wayyy too serious to do anything but treat aggressively and for a long enough period of time.
You really need at least another 2 weeks' worth of meds.
If you develop symptoms, you'll need to treat for 4-8 wks. past complete resolution of symptoms.
Please consider making an appointment with a LLMD - sometimes there's a wait. You can always cancel if you find you don't need him/her but at least you have a backup in place.