It seems that it it very difficult to find a LLMD in Ohio. I'm moving on from my regular medical dr. and NEED to find the help, support and treatment I need. I will post my story soon but for now I will keep it simple. I remember my bite, I DID get the bullseye rash, became VERY ill/flu-like within a short time, developed Trigeminal Neuralgia (Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia) within 5 months, malaria type symptoms, EXTREME fatigue......and the list goes on AND ON!! I now know I have Lyme Disease (recently discovered after 20 YEARS of suffering a plethora of symptoms and diagnosis'.) I NEED the proper care but can't seem to find it. Please, if you have any information of a LLMD, herbalist, or naturopath near Columbus or Cincinnati who is tried and true, let me know. I feel terrible isolated.
Blessings to all. DzignerWithLyme