HealingHMM said...
Thyroglobulin Antibody 7.8 (normal range 0-0.9)
TPO <6 (normal 0-34)
TSH 2.2 (normal .45-4.5)
T4 Free 1.19 (normal .82-1.77)
T3 free 2.8 (normal 2.0-4.4)
Thanks for sharing your labs! Here's how they shake out:
Thyroglobulin Antibodies are actually markers of thyroid destruction. It's clear you have some going on....and it's reflected in your thyroid function tests.
As mentioned already, TSH 2.0 or higher is suspect for hypothyroidism since healthy people have TSH that can be anywhere between .3 and 1.0.
The true indicators of thyroid function are the FreeT4 and FreeT3 levels. Both of your levels are well below mid-range.
Healthy people have both levels well above mid-range...usually around 75% of range since lab ranges are skewed towards sick people (they are the ones getting blood drawn most often)
That said, based upon your lab's ranges, a healthy person will have a FreeT4 level at least 1.5 and often higher....and a FreeT3 level at least 3.8 and often higher.
Thyroid hormone is like the gas in our tank....it fuels every single cell in our body. Sorry to say, it looks like you're running on watered-down gas :(
I think your GP is confused by your "normal" (aka in-range) levels.
The following article explains much about
the proper diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism:
www.thyroidscience.com/hypotheses/dommisse.feb.2008/dommisse.feb.2008.pdfWithout a doubt, sugar and gluten can affect thyroid function. Dairy can affect it as well if you have any sensitivities with it. Have you discussed your thyroid levels with your LLMD?