BritniMBC92 said...
I have had them checked before I started treating for Lyme which was in March. My T4 free was 1.13 and my Tri-iodothyronine free was 3.4. I am thinking I should get them checked again since starting treatment and because my mom and sister have hypothyroidism.
If the reference ranges your lab uses is the same most labs use, I'm sorry to tell you that you've been dealing with hypothyroidism since at least March.
Here's how people share labs on thyroid forums and I'll use your results and list them with most common reference ranges:
Free T4: 1.13 (range .8 - 1.8)
Free T3: 3.4 (range 2.0 - 4.4)
Looking at it this way, you can see that your FreeT4 level is closer to the low end of the range than the high end of the range.
Just to give you an example of a healthy level: my 87 y/o mother doesn't have thyroid issues and her lab uses the .8 - 1.8 range. Her FreeT4 level is 1.58. I'm sure you're much younger than my mother so I'd expect your healthy level to be even higher than my mother's
And, most healthy people have FreeT3 levels at least 3.8 and often higher.
The thyroid is the master regulator of all body systems. Thyroid hormone is the gas that powers our cells. If the thyroid isn't working right, the body isn't working right. All of the Lyme-savvy reading I've done indicates the need to maximize thyroid function during treatment....and it only makes sense to do so even if Lyme wasn't in the picture.
I hope you'll "talk thyroid" with your LLMD....