Yes, EBV is Epstein Barr Virus and it causes mono. For about
97% of the American public, it lives in our bodies as an opportunistic viral infection - only coming out to play when our immune system is low. Otherwise our immune system keeps it in check.
I have had extremely high levels of it off and on for the last (eek!) 30 yrs. about
6 years ago, I stumbled across information about
L-lysine treating EBV, then about
3(?) years ago, I came across this article, showing not only that Lysine treats EBV, but it explains the dosages too!! can also bring EBV into remission once again, but I didn't want to have to run to the doctor every time mine flared, so I started treating with Lysine instead.
EBV can most definitely cause muscle pains, but it may or may not be the source of your leg pain. Lyme and Bartonella also cause muscle pain, plus other types of leg pains.