Hey everyone,
Just looking for some experience with the medication I'm adding in this next step of treatment. I went into my last LLMD appointment frustrated and anxious and was going to ask about
starting to incorporate some herbal protocol along with the ABX and lo and behold, my LLMD suggested I add in some herbal treatment to my ABX protocol before I had the chance to bring it up
He had just returned from the Lyme conference in Florida and had attended Dr. Mac...'s lecture on biofilms (which is very informative btw). With me seeing little improvement over the last 2.5 years of treatment on just ABX for lyme and Babs, he suggested I start with Liposomal Artemisinin and we would add more herbals in slowly.
I did search and found several mentions of this compound being used, but most were older. Is anyone out there taking the compounded Liposomal Artemisinin now? My LLMD has lyme which is mostly cured/in remission and he tried this himself and told me he herxed his face off. I have no problem knowing this is going to happen, but I'm wondering what the severity is from others experiences to see if maybe I should use up some vacation time to allow me to cope at home.
I'll be taking this Monday through Friday and taking breaks on the weekends along with continuing my Mepron, Doxy, and Zithromax all week. On the fourth week of every month, I am taking a break from all medications and then restarting the same routine the next week.
I of course know everyone is different, but figured I would query this oh so intelligent and experience group to try to gauge what I can expect.
Thanks in advance.