Andrea Alexandria said...
Hi Traveler, how are you? Thank you for the introduction.
It may be hard to believe but it only took a few weeks of ozonotherapies for me to finally feel like I was out of the seriously ill category. My bowel shut down with bells palsy of the large intestine where the Lyme infection had paralyzed my bowels.
While I was in the IV room I met many other young people that were in wheelchairs. I witnessed that after two or three weeks of the IV therapies that some of them would get up and walk to the bathroom. This was incredible for me to witness as well.
I also saw many older people whose bodies were completely paralyzed from lyme. They appeared to improve after 4 weeks of IVs and naturally will take longer than a few weeks to recover and probably will never fully recover the damage done. This post is from my perspective and from where I was sitting in this particular alternative medical facility.
The main reason why more people dont know about ozone therapies is because they havent been available legally in the US until recently. The American Academy of Ozonotherapies was formed a few years ago and has made it possible for medical doctors to practice ozone therapies under them legally. The FDA is working with several of these physicians to gather information in order for the larger insurance companies to cover more people.
Again, this post is from my perspective which means supplementation did not work for me. This is not to imply that they did not work for you. There is no reason to feel threatened by my intentions. I only mean well and want to offer a solution for those that may feel drawn to my personal experiences and to investigate further into these wonderful treatment options that have worked for me and are available today.
Thank you again for the introduction. Ill be sure to watch mentioning names.
Be well,
First of all, like Sarah, I'm very happy that you have found your healing - but you stated that it was just ozone, now you are adding in that you used silver as well.
Secondly, have you read my story? There's a link in my sig line if you should wish to. I was infected for 40 years, my bowels used to shut down regularly for up to 22 days at a time, along with too many other symptoms to list. To assume that you were more compromised than anyone else in this community isn't a good thing.
And I'm not sure how you can say in one post:
"Taking things orally for immune support, detoxification support, hormone balancing, preventive anti-fungal regimens, digestive support, dietary changes, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, homeopathics, natural antimicrobials and prescript
ion antibiotics to treat Lyme is expensive and ineffective." Especially when you are posting in a forum where there are members for which those things really did work.
Then in another post, same thread:
"Again, this post is from my perspective which means supplementation did not work for me. This is not to imply that they did not work for you."
And feel threatened? Nope, I sure don't, but I
am a Mod here and it is my place to watch what people are posting - and I do.
As I've stated, I would actually like someone that has used Ozone to come in and tell us how things went, but not if their story isn't consistent and they are telling other people that their treatments won't work, only ozone will work. Not only is that against the rules here, it's very rude and it's wrong to assume that only one type of treatment will work for everyone.
Every protocol has claims of watching people get up out of wheel chairs and miracle cures - heck I'm one. 40 yr old infections and I healed in 2 years of herbal only treatments. So I'm not saying that it can't happen, what I'm saying is your information isn't consistent and there are things you aren't revealing (saying that you used only ozone, then later saying that you used silver as well).
And again - you need to go back and read the rules that you agreed to abide by when you joined this forum:
3. No posts that attack, insult, flame, defame, or abuse others.
Respect other members' opinions regarding treatment decisions. Decisions about
health and well-being are highly personal choices. We should respect all points of view. Flaming will not be tolerated.
4. No advertising or links to advertising or "Spam" is permitted.
Advertising or spam is defined as posting a link for the purpose of selling, soliciting or promoting something. Links promoting fundraising, advocacy, etc. are not permitted.
Links to personal blogs/homepages are allowed in member profiles and signatures
Sharing of links to helpful and relevant web sites and resources is allowed if they are not used for a promotional purpose.
**I added the underlining above.
We welcome you, but you must follow the rules here, just like everyone else.