ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) is cutting edge for Lyme diagnosis and treatment.
They recommend treating for 6-8 wks. past full resolution of symptoms. Your LLMD really shouldn't be stopping your treatment as he has.
That said, what exactly have you been treated for? Lyme? Babesia? Bartonella? Erlichia, etc.?
It's rare for someone to just get Lyme after a tick bite. Therefore, if someone was also infected with Babesia, for example, they will not heal until Babesia is treated (Babesia is a parasite similar to malaria and abx will not provide healing. Anti-malaria-type meds are necessary).
Also, the fatigue/endurance issues might be due to hypothyroidism which these infections are famous for causing.
Unfortunately, all too many doctors don't know how to properly interpret thyroid tests....and that's if they run the right tests.
Have you had Free T4 (T4 or thyroxine, free, direct) and Free T3 (tri-iodothyronine, free, serum) testing?
If yes, please share the results here (with reference ranges). If not, please get those tests done. I can show you how to interpret the results.
While epsom salt baths and drinking lemon water are excellent ways to detox, it's usually necessary to incorporate many more methods daily to continually clear the toxins created by the dead bug parts.
Perhaps you'll review the link below and find some new things to add to your detox protocol: