So sorry to hear of these issues!
Bartonella can be challenging to treat. That's why Buhner incorporates more than Houttuynia in his Bartonella protocol. You'd need to read his latest book for the details on that protocol: LLMD's often treat for the "Big 3" (Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella) even with negative test results and not necessarily any definitive symptoms.
These bugs form biofilm with each other and communicate via quorum sensing. If you are dealing with an asymptomatic Babesia infection, for example, it will impede healing from Lyme and Bartonella if left untreated.
Healthy people are walking around with asymptomatic Babesia and Bartonella infections. Even the CDC acknowledges this on their website:"
Although many people who are infected with Babesia do not have symptoms, for those who do effective treatment is available.""
Most cases of cat scratch disease (CSD) resolve without treatment", although some patients may develop complications from disseminated disease.
Cat scratch disease is the henselae strain of Bartonella which is a common coinfection to Lyme. There are other strains of Bartonella/Bartonella-like infections for which there are no tests.
If healthy people can have no symptoms of Babesia or Bartonella and still be infected, it's entirely possible that those of us dealing with any of these infections could also be infected with Babesia and/or Bartonella....and not necessarily have any symptoms...or have mild symptoms...or just one symptom (mild or not)
My LLMD was adamant I've only been dealing with Lyme. Yet, he could not explain the plateau I hit after being on abx for 5 months and that continued after almost 6 months on the full Cowden protocol.
It was due to some Babesia-type herxes on Cowden's Babesia-specific herbs that I'd begun to wonder if I had Babesia.
Following Buhner's full Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella protocols since August of last year (and only being at full doses of the Babs/Bart herbs since mid-December) brought me from the plateau that had me 90% healed to my current estimated 98%.
Food for thought...