Lemnia said...
Thank you so much. This seems a wonderful forum packed with very helpful information, I will indeed work my way through the topic and look at the links you have offered. I have been seriously ill for 4 years. Firstly diagnosed with ME/CFS and FM and last year I tested positive for Lyme. Never been so ill in all my life. 95% housebound/bedbound now. I have tried many things, but not antibiotics...(yet). I see you got ill without antibiotics, which is wonderful. May I ask please how you did it and what exactly you did?
You can read my basic story here - basic because it stretches over 40 years of being ill:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=2977364 I too have been seriously ill and have been diagnosed with CFS and FM, even though I told the docs that those diagnoses don't cover enough of my symptoms at the time. Of course, I just the patient, what do I know? Ha!
Basically, I used what is known as the Chronic Tonic to heal from Lyme and it helps a lot with Bartonella, so I added in a medicinal tea of Houttuynia to finish off the Bartonella. I did many things for my Babesia, and even though I have my records, my doctors handwriting is so horrible that I really can't make out what all was used other than what is in the link above (several posts below my first post in that thread).
I got reinfected, so I had to do treatment for Lyme, and now I'm back in treatment for Bartonella and Babesia infections that were missed when I retreated to begin with.
You can read more detail of what I did in these threads:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3244272www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=2887463 And you can ask me all the questions you wish about
these protocols. I'll do my best to answer or find the answers for you.