mommaonamission said...
I believe my doctor is on the ILADS list. He is also a specialist in autism, ADHD, allergies, etc. I read his hit book and realized he wasn't too far away so I knew we needed to see him.
How do I know he's not autistic? I guess because he has responded well to Abx? Is it enough to be on Abx for 2 months after symptoms disappear? I see lots of people on them for so long?
One other thing I am dying to know - when he eventually is off of abx, will his behavior continue to be good (assuming it eventually gets there) or will the Abx cause leaky gut and we'll see behavior problems?
Honestly though, I did cranio sacral therapy on him 3 nights ago and I could feel his body was just going crazy inside.
Glad you have a good doctor - it generally takes so long to find someone who will believe and work with you.
As a mother you will know whether or not your child is truly autistic. You have those glimpses that others don't; you see the child inside that is waiting for you to help them to emerge.
K's bartonella symptoms had only resolved to 80% when our LLMD decided to stop abx treatment. She had used so many different abx (Bactrim, biaxin, rifampin, azithromycin, minocycline, plaquinel, malarone, tindamax), and so many combinations over 2 years with no getting past the plateau, so the LLMD essentially gave up. It was then I initiated herbs, found the asymptomatic babesia, and got K to the place she now enjoys (99%).
We have used gelatin, bone stock and fermented vegetable to help her gut as well as copious probiotics while she was taking antibiotics. K never relapsed from leaky gut that I have noticed and has been off abx treatment since Apr 2013.
You mention your son's body "going crazy inside". K was always like this. Constantly moving, wanting to be upside down, never still - I had the feeling that she was uncomfortable in her body, like you sometimes feel when you have the flu; like no matter how you position yourself you are not comfortable and you keep searching and searching for that position.
Twice during treatment I saw her become still and comfortable. The first was 25 minutes after her first dose of malarone (1.5 yrs into abx treatment). I dosed her and we set out for dance class. about
half way there I looked into the back seat and there she was, just sitting in the back seat with her hands in her lap looking out the window. I was amazed; I had never seen her just sit and observe. I should have made the connection to babesia/protozoa at that point but I didn't. I didn't see any other improvements with malarone however and the uncomfortable movement resumed when malarone was discontinued.
The second time I saw the stillness was when I started using Buhner's babesia combination tincture CSA. Amazingly, again the same result I saw with malarone, but this time with a big improvment in executive and cognitive function as well. Within a week her teacher called saying that she was now suddenly grasping math concepts that she had not earlier, and in fact, more quickly than her peers. He was amazed.
K has never re-experienced her previous bartonella/PANS symptoms, however she (and I) remain on low maintanence doses of the herbal bartonella/babesia protocols.