Girlie said...
Welcome to our community, Micahsmom - I am so sorry your sn is critically ill.
Could you provide us with some information? Is your son in Mexico with you, or in the U.S.?
Has he ever been seen and treated by a LLMD?
Has he been diagnosed with LD?
Thanks for your help ! I am presently in Dallas Texas as my oldest son just had a pituitary brain tumor removed.
my son that's so sick is living in Hickory, north Carolina.
He has never been diagnosed with lymes......2 tests after having rocky mountain spotted fever came negative...that has been over 20 years ago. He has been to Dr after Dr. All kinds of Dr's ......a plethora of tests...and of course all the drugs they want to 'test" out. While living in Tijuana, we brought him there to go to a Dr. that said maybe Fibro.....but again....nothing has helped. Had him on "The Gerson therapy" for 2 years. What we are coming to grips with is that this is Bacteria related.
Do you know of any LLMD Dr's in Hickory North Carolina....Charlotte or Raleigh Durham area ?
To use the "Igenex" lab do you have to have a recommendation from a LLMD ?