rollergirl said...
Hi Sunfun,
Just wondering if you started your BW protocol and how it is going?
My DC wants me to start Detox 1, A-L Complex and Detox 2. 1/2 drop, 3 days apart, in that order.
I am most concerned about Babesia because of the air hunger and effects on my heart and am wondering if I should start with A-Bab first.
I am scared and feel this may not be the right combo for me to start.
When I voiced this, my DC said she always starts her Lyme patients on A-L Complex, which didn't do anything to alleviate my fears, since we're not all the same and these critters have really done a number on my heart thus far.
I can really relate to what you were going through and am wondering how it has gone for you.
Welcome rollergirl!
Sorry for the reason you're here but glad you found us.
I think your doctor has a good plan for your - especially with the detox tinctures. Everyone benefits from detoxing since Americans are exposed to over 300 chemicals daily.
For those of us dealing with these infections, detoxing is crucial.
You see, all the while we've been sick, the bugs have been going through their life cycles which includes death. Well, besides the toxins the bugs release as part of their normal activities, a flood of toxins is released when they die.
We need to clear the pathways of elimination...otherwise, those toxins get reabsorbed and cause more symptoms.
The site I'm linking below explains why we need to detox and provides quite the comprehensive list of detoxing suggestions: you had a tick bite, I'd say Lyme is likely and it certainly wouldn't hurt to start with the A-L Complex as well.
Please understand that Babesia parasites are MUCH larger than Lyme bacteria. This means bigger dead bug parts as a result of treatment....which means the potential for bigger herxes.
It makes a lot of sense IMHO to ease the patient into treatment. Dealing with these infections isn't like taking aspirin for a headache. It's a process that can take many months.
I hope you'll start your own thread so you can get a proper welcome ;)
Best wishes for healing!!