Welcome LymeNoMore!
Sorry for the reason you're here but glad you found us.
And, I'm very very sorry you suffered needlessly for over 15 years - that is a pathetically common theme when these infections are involved.
Since you are taking herbs that detox, I wonder if your BP elevation is a herx. Are you familiar with that term? If not, here's some info on herxing:
www.tiredoflyme.com/the-herxheimer-reaction.htmlYou see, certain detoxing methods mobilize toxins. If we don't have methods in place to eliminate those toxins, they go to other places in the body and wreak havoc.
Something tells me that your doctor didn't talk to you about
the need for detoxing (many/most don't) yet it is a vital aspect of healing.
Not only are most Americans already dealing with a toxin load (think plastics, pesticide residue, artificial ingredients, car exhaust, etc) but we Lymies carry an extra toxin burden - the toxins generated by the bugs that infect us.
The toxin load increases once we start anti-infective treatment because of the dead bug parts.
It's a really good idea to get a daily detoxing protocol going and slowly add to it throughout treatment. As of right now, I suggest you start drinking a LOT of water (some with lemon which helps detox the liver/kidneys) and do whatever is necessary to have your bowels move at least once/day (sorry if TMI but this is a major way to get toxins out).
The site I'm linking below explains why we need to detox and lists some great methods:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlAnd, here's a link to a recent thread wherein members shared what they are doing for detoxing:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3602759Hawthorne is a food-grade herb (as safe as apples) and is great for normalizing blood pressure. Perhaps you might want to talk to your doctor about
starting some.
(I changed the title of your thread to help others recognize your need for a LLMD more easily)
Some resources for finding a LLMD:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral//sites.google.com/site/lymedoctors/And, our beloved mod, Traveler, maintains lists of LLMD's - you might want to email her to see if she has any in your area.
Our "New to Lyme" thread at the top of the forum contains suggestions for questions to ask a potential LLMD. There's lots of other great information in there that might be new to you even if you are not new to Lyme. I hope you check it out.
Best of luck to you moving forward!!!