Awww! Thank you, Swede! It really was a wonderful time.
While I agree that there are many out there that don't have Bart or Babs and are suffering, I believe that there are many more that have it and don't realize it. Many doctors (even LLMD's!) will only focus on Lyme and as many of us have had to find out on a personal level, those infections are not only very real, but will stop a person from being able to heal their Lyme infection.
And that doesn't take into account those that have asymptomatic infections that still have to be treated before they can completely heal - it might be the reason so many 'Lyme only' patients relapse! We just don't know yet, and one of the main reasons we don't know yet is because the testing for these infections is so poor and there is so little support from those that control the purse strings for the gov't science funding (my daughter works in this field as well, is how I know).
For me personally, I've agonized over this question - am I sure it's Bart and Babs? I've become symptomatic for both Bart and Babs in the last few months, and I've poured over some personal accounts of infections from people I trust, and have spent hours making lists of my symptoms and going over different symptom lists and realized that I have too many key (or classic) symptoms of Bart and of Babs to ignore. Honestly, if I didn't know what air hunger felt like, I might have dismissed Babesia - but it's there, I'm sure of it even though it's not strong.
Teeth/jaw bone pain can be from Bartonella, and if you have Bart (I'm not a doctor, so I'm not saying for sure that you do) it would actually make sense that you could only get so far into your healing of Lyme before the Bart symptoms started becoming stronger. As we lower the bacterial load of one infection, another infection that we have will become the one with the higher bacterial load - and so will be the infection producing the stronger symptoms.
And, if your insomnia doesn't respond with Bartonella treatment, or if you wish to just do the test, I would greatly encourage you to get your adrenals tested. Battling these infections is very stressful on our body, and so it's very hard on our adrenals. Low functioning adrenals can also be something else that can prevent us from healing.
And maybe you should consider some more support, like from a face to face support group, or even some supportive supplements for depression and anxiety? There are some really wonderful supplements available, depending on just what you may need. There is no shame in doing what you need to do in order to get through what is likely one of the toughest times in most anyone's life!
And hang in there!! We are all here to help you through this! And you can feel free to email me if you wish since I'm not on here as much lately.