melbaby said...
Traveler, I am so sorry that you got re-infected!! Sure hope that by now you have recovered from the 2014 reinfection.
How can you know when symptoms are still from the tick-borne infections or from damage they left behind? Do you just have to stop treatments and if you get worse, it is still the infections, but if you don't get worse, it is the damage that takes time to heal? I still have some symptoms, the worst of which are extreme fatigue and neurological problems, but I understand that these are very slow in healing after infections are gone; however, I almost panic at the thought of stopping all treatment and the risk of having to start all over is the infections are still there.
I do not have an LLMD and my PC doc isn't very familiar with LD and doesn't have much advice.
I am so very sorry, Melbaby!! I we posted at very nearly the same time and so I wasn't notified of your post!
I was reinfected in the May of 2014 and only showed symptoms of Lyme. I was unsure when I stopped my Lyme treatment that I was actually done, but not enough symptoms of Bart or Babesia were showing for me to hardly suspect I had them (we've been talking about
asymptomatic infections lately here!) - so I didn't treat for them. Over the course of the last 21 months, things have been building though, and I have been able to identify symptoms of Babesia and of Bart, so it's off to treatment for me! I'm hoping that I won't have a rough time, but be prepared for some whining!!! LOL! I HATE being in treatment any more.
If you still have any 'extreme' or severe symptoms, something is going on! It could be EBV or Lyme, or another infection, but something is still going on.
Essentially, yes, I stop treatments and see where I stand, but I treat until any remaining symptoms are very mild first. Once I reach that point, I begin to evaluated and try to figure out if I can still have any effect on the symptoms (detoxing, lowering doses), and if, with a moderate amount of activity I don't have an increase in symptoms, them I consider starting the process of stopping my treatments (many at this point opt to do low doses). I prefer to taper down rather than stopping abruptly so that my immune system and other things can slowly come "back online". Then it's on to lowering the doses until I'm down to almost nothing and then stop everything and watch closely. It's always a nerve wracking time for me though - one would think with as many times as I've been through this, it wouldn't be any more though! Ha!!
Feel free to post here and we can help guide you some, or you can email me and we'll see how much help I might be to you! LOL!