Here's what Dr. Lam says about
/'s another article: one is interesting:"The problem with pregnenolone was that the medical establishment could not patent this natural substance. So research was redirected toward some of pregnenolone’s offspring like cortisol and its many synthetic corticosteroid derivatives such as prednisone and other similar medications.
From there, the so called “miracle drugs” were born. And, so were all of the adverse side effects associated with these pregnenolone wannabes: high blood pressure, weight retention, and the “moon face” facial puffiness.
Luckily, most doctors now hesitate to prescribe corticosteroid drugs over the long term because they recognize that the treatment is usually worse than the original disease. "
And thus, pregnenolone is being rediscovered. In fact, some researchers are heralding it as a most powerful memory enhancer, most likely due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.
While pregnenolone comes in varying strengths, I generally recommend that people start with one 5 mg tablet of pregnenolone daily and slowly work their way up to 10 mg max.
Pregnenolone is a remarkable adaptogen that seems to work for just about