Welcome to our community, Mrseaglea - sorry you've found yourself her, but glad you found us.
While you ponder whether or not to start the Mepron or Malarone - there is something...rather a lot you can do to help with your herx symptoms.
Effectively detoxing can alleviate the severity of your symptoms by decreasing the toxin load in your body.
You will need to employ multiple methods daily.
A few of the ones I do on a regular basis:
- Drink 8 glasses of water
- Squeeze fresh organic lemon juice into some glasses
- take warm epsom salt baths
- dry brush my skin before baths.
- light exercise
- take a liver support supplement
- Take Nutramedix Pinella and Burbur
- Take probiotics for gut health.
Here is a link to more methods:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlYou will want to start with a couple...and every few days add in a new one. Don't start with several all at once...add them in slowly.
Since you are new here, it would be helpful for you to read through the "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" thread that sits at the top of the page. Lots of useful information in there.