Yes, you have to go low and slow with progesterone as well. If you are estrogen dominant to begin with (that means all estrogen receptors are occupied and there is not enough progesterone to balance them), the addition of progesterone will result in the release of some estrogen back into the blood stream as progesterone balances the receptors.
This may initially lead to more estrogen dominance symptoms (whatever they are for you - swelling, painful breasts, depression, water retention etc.), but this should resolve after a while. Here is a good site with lots of info on bioidentical progesterone: site does recommend larger dosages of progesterone to minimize the length of time it takes to rebalance estrogen/progesterone. I always tend towards low and slow. You will get there.
Sorry, but it has been so long since I started the cream that I don't remember how bad my estrogen dominance symptoms were. But I do remember that within 20 minutes of my first application my heart stopped bothering me so much - it was such a relief.