Look under microscopy 1000x ..even lightfield. ..you can see the ketes ...or pay for fancy culture ..consider rife ,bvt ,herbs ,silver ,essential oils ,nosodes and iv abx .and hbot ..,read burrascano's and mitchels rant on md junction. ..there is a thread on other forum to find microscopist via state unless you are in mine
band 41 means flagella ..lots of bugs have flagella but not good ones ..ie bart ,proto,,leptospirosis, syphilis borrelia as there are hundreds of species ..
congratuadolences. ..welcome ...dont wait for curza 99
i had two neg western blots ,neg elisa and a false positive absolute after provoking with samento ,banderol iv h202 ..ketes were there plain as day in blood stream
the sarcastic cynic in me wants to say maybe you just got floxed ..but i didntbwant to belive it either wasted precious months
Post Edited (bluelyme) : 7/9/2016 1:07:06 AM (GMT-6)