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I suggest you try your best to start a detox program. But, just start with one or two detoxes and every few days add in another one.
One you can start right away - even if you're bed-bound - is drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
Also, you can add freshly squeezed lemon juice into some of the glasses. You might want to drink through a straw, as the lemon can damage the tooth enamel. And, don't brush your teeth right after drinking.
- Purchase (or have someone purchase for you) - a binder. This is something that you have to separate from everything else. So, find a window of 4 hours - two hours before the binder and two hours after...don't eat, or take any supplements that you don't want flushed out. The binder takes everything with it and ushers it out.
An example of a binder is Activated can be bought at a health food store.
Here are more detox ideas: - do not start several at once...add them in one at a time.
I'm sorry you are suffering - hang in there.