All good responses (thanks for the shout out Chapelle!) Don't have much to add other than, YES the symptoms overlap so much w/ lyme & co that it is tough to know what is what if you have all those issues going on, which is why it's really important to get the yeast/fungal overgrowth under control ASAP so you and your body can focus on lyme & co.
I think it's atypical not to have gut issues w/ y/f overgrowth if you're on oral abx but hey, stranger things have happened in our world.
And agree w/ the others - white tongue is a dead giveaway. And, you are having some gut issues you just don't realize it because maybe your bowel movements are regular (lucky dog!) But the neurotoxins created by the y/f in your gut are affecting your brain function (due to the gut-brain connection, and there are blood vessels that directly connect the two), so in essence, the "head issues" are very likely originating in your gut (although "head issues" is pretty vague LOL).
Also, those of us taking a lot of alcohol-based herbal tinctures can develop a heavier y/f overgrowth in the mouth/throat due to to all the alcohol sugars. I think there are a few members hear who have explored creating their own tinctures with less alcohol so that might be something of interest to you.
Unless your y/f issues are systemic, you probably don't need the Diflucan - it's harsh on your liver. Check out my y/f post in the "New to Lyme?" thread about
the different kinds of antifungals that are effective against an already existing overgrowth (you're likely past the stage of anything natural working, which is why you've not had much success with diet, etc.) and also about
why PURE Nystatin powder is your best bet.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Hope this helps!