cherylfelice said...
Have any of you had cognitive behavioral therapy for lyme and/or bartonella induced panic disorder? I am wondering if this technique will be useful at all since the panic is bacteria induced.
I ask because even though I believe mine is physically based , I believe there may now be a psychological component as the fear of the next panic attack , etc...
Also, do any of you have much worse anxiety/ panic in extreme hot weather?
K underwent CBT for several years addressing her social regression and inappropriate social responses which I now realize were caused by bacteria/protozoan induced brain inflammation (because they have resolved with treatment for bart/babs).
She understood each and every instruction and could reword them back to me, but actual response in a social setting was something completely different. Until we took care of the inflammation she was generally unable to control her behaviour
I would imagine that panic/anxiety attacks, not only being due to brain inflammation, but also to disregulation of adrenal response, would be even harder to control.
Rage responses might be a different matter because they can become ingrained and might indeed respond to CBT after the infections have been dealt with. I don't see the true panic/anxiety attacks as falling into this category. They seem to be more of a physiological issue than a psychological one, although many psychologists would not agree.