ShmilyKate said...
No, I am definitely NOT hyper. I have gained about 40 pounds in the past year since becoming sick last September.
The CD57 test really confuses me and I can't really find much info anywhere on it. One source said if the CD57 is high it is indicative of the body fighting co-infections and it is low when it is fighting Lyme. ???
I am ready to give up...I can't seem to get anywhere with 'whatever' illness is going on.
The CD57 is a very confusing test. For some with a chronic infection (like Lyme & Co), the CD57 can be VERY low - and the patient isn't badly compromised by symptoms, yet another person can have a VERY high CD57 and have debilitating symptoms. So it's not a good test to use, except for those with a low CD57 it can help them track the healing of the infections as it should rise as the infections heal - but not always.
This is a good article explaining things about
the CD57:
/ I agree with Astroman and CD about
your thyroid, as I had the same issues. Every single doctor that I went to would only 'see' the TSH and refuse to test me further - until I sought out someone known to look for the T3 & T4 values. Sure enough, I have a low functioning thyroid, but it was my adrenals that made them that way. I have severe adrenal exhaustion.
On your hands peeling, take a look at these pictures (caution, they are NOT pretty!!) I also have psoriasis, and my plaque psoriasis hits my knees and elbows, but I have pustular psoriasis that hits my feet and my hands - my hands first start off with little tiny red spots on the 'heel' of my palms, then they have little blisters and some of them will show up with what looks like puss in them (but it's not really from what I have been able to find out), and my hands start to peel.
If you do have psoriasis, there are some things you can do to correct it at home. I use coconut oil to moisturize the skin, and take one probiotic to stop the autoimmune process. It's called Align, it contains B. infantis probiotic. You can buy it over the counter at many stores and online. Just be sure it's got lots of
B. infantis. If I catch it early, 6 weeks of Align and coconut oil stops the psoriasis.