Hi there, was curious if anyone knows whether cedax is a cyst buster.
I've relapsed after six months of good health, went back to LLMD and was put on mino, ceftin, and rifampin, did a month of that with moderate success, dropped mino, added zith , went to herbs and things went way downhill. Throbbing pains started in knuckles once or twice a day and increased to throbbing pains in all joints nearly every minute. I stopped all treatment for awhile, things got worse.
Now I'm back on minox3, and septra, I asked doc to prescribe me a cyst buster, because I wasn't given one in the last treatment I mentioned, now I've been prescribed cedax, not sure what to make of it and frankly am losing faith in my doctor.
The winning combo for me, that gave me six months symptom free was; ceftin, rifampin, Alinia. Why would my doc be so opposed to Alinia or tindamax when I am asking for it specifically?