saozemko said...
Oh great because that is what I went to this doctor for about 4 years agoish.. I was getting weird flu like symptoms, coughing, sore throat, aches, just general blah and it would be like worse as the week went on and get a little better on weekends. My work was never dusted, the tiles leaked when it rained and you could see the mold growing, mold on the insulation, yeah... I did get tested back then and Nope I am not able to get rid of biotoxins... sigh. She had me on Chloestryamine and some hard core antibiotics eventually I just stopped the chloestryamine because I could not take it anymore and I felt better. When I changed jobs over 3 years ago and moved into a new place well 7 year old townhome i was still feeling fine, but when I would come in on weekends to work at the animal hospital I started coughing and feeling sick. They did get me an air purifier that we turned on up front to help me and I think when I started the meds it did actually.
My limited understanding of mold biotoxins is antibiotics likely make the mold issues worse by killing off good bacteria that try to keep the fungi in check. Do you know why they gave you Abx?
This is why treating for both Lyme and mold at the same time is a tricky ordeal.
Post Edited (Navigator) : 10/27/2016 9:07:30 AM (GMT-6)