AustinCreek said...
It's the drugs not the infection, antibiotics open the pathway for so many other things to affect us. Long term abx will ruin you and make you rely on your llmd the rest of your life, that's their goal, to keep you coming back and spending money. "Oh that's just the bugs dying", is a very convenient way for them to diagnose any negative reaction you have to their poisons. Don't trust llmds. I'm convinced it's them on this website feeding us more nonsense to buy more drugs.
AustinCreek - this post is inappropriate - it will just upset people who are taking antibiotics.
1) You can't make a blanket statement: "Long term abx will ruin you and make you rely on your llmd for the rest of your life...."
2) "Don't trust LLMD's. " There are many, many decent LLMD's - in fact most ...that want to help, not hurt their patients. I don't even think the 'bad' ones WANT to hurt their patients...they are maybe not educated enough in treating lyme...or are following the IDSA guidelines...but not intentionally wanting to hurt their patients.
Really, come on.
I know many people who have healed on antibiotic protocols. MANY. They do not continue to see their LL Dr.'s for the rest of their lives.
Not everyone chooses antibiotics - and that is their choice...there are many ways to heal.