Mysteryillness is right, are you sure that you are seeing a LLMD? A
good one?? There are good LLMD's and bad LLMD's. A "LLMD" who doesn't even recognize symptoms of an on going Lyme infection isn't a very useful!! You need to get to a practitioner that actually understands these infections and run - don't walk - away from that one that is telling you all of those things!
Not only that, for some of us, abx just isn't the answer, so don't ever give up!!
I was only on abx for 12 months because I kept getting more and more ill. I finally got really scared and took myself off of them. It took me a while to get onto a natural protocol, but once I did, I started seeing improvements in only 2 months - that's after only getting worse each month I was on abx!!
I know you don't really want to hear this, but don't loose hope either - I was bed ridden and house bound and after several months of following my treatment protocols, I was able to be back outside doing at least a few things - now, after being in treatment for less that a full year, I have enjoyed quite a bit of life outside the house!!
Of course there's no way to tell how much damage each of us will end up with from these long-term infections, but there's no reason to believe that you won't ever be able to function again....once you find a good practitioner and the right protocol your body requires for healing!
The other thing that Mysteryillness pointed out - do you have co-infections? According to Dr. James Schaller ( those co-infections
can not only stop you from healing from Lyme, but can be deadly -especially Bartonella and Babesia. Have you done any reading on his site? He has a lot of information that he pretty much always backs up with references and links.
I would love to talk more with you - but I have to get ready to leave for my doc's appt - and I'm usually gone most, if not all day.
Everyone who is posting here - healing can be had!! You will have to do some leg work in order to find the treatment protocols that your body needs in order to heal and sometimes it doesn't include abx. for those who have been ill for a very long time. The body has
been beaten up pretty bad by the time we've been ill for very long with these infections. We need to support bodily functions, balance out the body's hormones and get the gut moving well again- among other things - not just go after the infections. Of course if a
person is 'well supported' in those respects and abx are being added in, then a lot of those issues can be long as the abx are tolerated.
The big thing here - don't give up!!! I really truly almost did and I would have missed out on being here to bug the heck out of you all (
), I would have missed out on having Grandchildren, and I wouldn't have lived the life I now have.
Hang in there everyone!!
Oh- PS -
Mysteryillness -
Thank you for such kind words about
me!! It really does mean a lot to me to know that I have a positive impact on at least some here! Otherwise I'm just a pain in the rear for everyone!!! turn: LOL!!