I am really sorry to hear that both you and your son are sick with the illness. I can't even imagine what it would be like with twice the financial burden and having to find solutions while you yourself are sick. You have my admiration.
If your son has been sick for years, then it will take a while to recover completely. On the other hand, with an effective treatment program, many symptoms may drop away very quickly as was the case with my daughter. Supposedly children have a capacity to heal faster than the rest of us.
So you want to know what "worked" for my daughter? I will have to go into a little bit of a lengthy explanation to answer that question. When we found out that Heather had LD and coinfections, we tried 3 different treatment approaches to get her well. The various aspects of my answer will fall into those 3 approaches.
Like most people we found an LLMD that tested, diagnosed, and treated Heather. Heather was very very sick with many symptoms by the time that her first treatment started. The LLMD was supposedly an "integrative" physician , but she only prescribed high adult dosages of 3 different ABX at a time with Heather. Although her LLMD was "lyme literate", and in fact was "mentored" by Dr. Burrascano, there was little detoxing suggestions other than adding a little lemon juice to water. Heather's symptoms got even worse during this period, although, towards the end, some of the Babesia Duncani night sweats and deleriums started to dissipate.
The second phase started when I was horrified by her worsening symptoms with ABX treatment. I made several major changes. I developed an extensive detoxification strategy through several elimination channels. I also introduced Heather to aspects of several popular herbal "protocols". In my opinion, killing the pathogens is the easiest of all things to do. Preventing harm and restoring the immune system are the most difficult. We also switched to a truly integrative LLMD during this period.
Here are some things that we found helpful during the second phase:
1) ionic foot detox
2) rebounder (mini-trampoline)
3) developed my own "protocol" to eliminate severe neuropathy and hypersensitivity in her arm, shoulder and scapula... in 5 weeks it was gone forever!
4) we forced heather to leave her bed and the sofa and got her body moving again with a small amount of swimming
5) when flagyl was so harmful to heather, I secretly substituted a serrapeptase and lumbrokinase combo to eliminate biofilms and lyme cysts.
6) treated Heather for parasites- a big step!
7) treatment for heavy metal elimination- particularly aluminum
8) completely changed to an organic and gmo-free healthy diet
9) hot baths with epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide for detoxification and also combined with other treatments for other purposes
We thought that this second phase would in fact be the final phase, but we were wrong. Heather started to relapse 2 months later. Lab tests confirmed that her immune system had not recovered.
We had reached a critical fork in the road. Were we to continue on the same path, hoping that a better ABX was the answer? That prospect failed to give me any confidence at all. I felt that a critical piece of the puzzle was missing. Heather was a competitive swimmer, and her dream was to swim in college with a swimming scholarship. She was halfway through her freshman high school year, and time was of the essence. it's one thing to just get by in life, and its another thing to be an elite athlete competing at a very high level. It was time for a completely different approach.
I thoroughly read all of Dr. Jernigan's articles on his clinic website- The Hansa Center for Optimum Health. His articles made a lot of sense to me. His focus is a shift away from the pathogens to focusing on what is sub-optimum in the body. Their testing reveals weaknesses in the body that are vulnerable to pathogenic attack. Their treatments are designed to restore functional integrity to the entire person. The concept is so simple and makes so much sense. Their basic question is, why did this person get sick? Heather responded very quickly to treatment, although it took about
1.5 years to fully heal. Here are things that helped:
1) non-toxic informed targeted treatments at the hansa Center- the single most helpful step of all
2) restoration of Nitric Oxide production, Hansa Center
3) elimination of allergic reactions to certain color frequencies at the Hansa Center
4) like an electrical panel box in a house, Dr. Jernigan "turned on" her body's nervous system circuits
5) Treatment that drained her gall bladder at the Hansa Center
6) We purchased a biomat for her to use.
7) weekly foot-reflexology treatment
8) Oral System Balancing (OSB) by a Biological Dentist
9) Cranio-Sacral Treatment at the Hansa Center and at home
10) implementation of low-dose hormone replacement therapy -hydrocortisone
I provided a very brief sketch of some of the things that we did to make her well. She was very sick, but has no symptoms today. She is in the process of tapering completely off of her replacement hormone-hydrocortisone at the present. That issue is another story that I will share soon. This journey has educated me in so many ways!
Huddie- there is so much to say with so much writer's cramp to say it. If you desire to correspond further, I would be glad to. I wish you and your son the very best future!!!
Post Edited (Heathersdad) : 11/11/2016 7:50:38 PM (GMT-7)