My LLMD has me on Bicillin shots and I am in my third week. We are working up to three shots of 1.2 million per week. I did one shot each week for the first two weeks and now in my third week I am doing two shots. I do not notice any sort of improvement. I have some increased back and joint pain (herxing) but I feel like I should be noticing something if this is a treatment that will work for me?
I know we always say to just wait it out, but anyone who has been on the Bicillin IM knows that it is very painful...I am in enough pain already I don't want to be doing these shots for months if it isn't going to help.
I guess I'm just looking for some insight. I will be checking in with my doctor later this week, but I figured I'd ask you guys. Should I be noticing a difference? Anything at all? Thanks.