Well I was the big & strong type, took the 4 bullet & shrapnel wounds in stride and told to never walk again REFUSED to accept that. Went out and taught myself to walk again and went out to win 2 World Surfing Contests before switching gears to race motorcycles for awhile. Couldn't maintain sponsorships back then if bouncing between several loves so just did all I did for the lOVE of it, but no factory money. Anyway, wasn't till April 2014 when the removed a 3 year old double spine fusion done wrong and did 4 MORE fusions all at once and then found that massive tumor wrapped around the base of my spine. The very first surgery had their Mazor Robot
open me up (YouTube has videos for those NOT faint of heart with my back skin splayed out over my SIDES while the robot went to work once they got the tumor out. Now this would be just the first of 5 major surgeries in the next 6 months. Let me tell you, as a man who refused any and ALL pain medications all my life and who never blinked till then, THAT series of surgeries "broke" me. Fully and completely BROKE me. I was in bed unable to even roll myself over on my own for 5 months. So never would ever walk again without crutches or Trekking Poles. And my pain NEVER leaves.
Moral is, no matter how big or how tough, nothing and NOBODY broke me, not even torture in War. But this set of surgeries combined with my advanced age did. Oh, I never quit, but my spirit was waning so badly I almost did. That alone was failure to ME. My whole neighborhood literally cheered me on when I would fall on the asphalt and refuse to be helped up but would climb back up and make it home on my own with neighbors in tow
I often got home pretty bloody from all the falls and I fell every single day. When I got to my 1 to 2 miles every single day, missing NO days for 2 years and my arms looking like Popeye (from the massive muscle development) the wife said, I was on my way back. Wore out 2 sets of $200.00 NICE carbon fiber Trekking Poles and just bought my third set when my legs crumbled and I would never again get up. And now after 10 months of testing by every Neuro "specialist" my Primary could fine, here I am. Diagnosed when blood work tested positive for 2 bands of Lyme. Glued to this specially made recliner. And while I still never gave up, my body HAS. And I DO now complain and I do it LOUDLY to everyone I encounter in the Medical field who I now despise in this Country who abandoned me as a USMC Combat Veteran and now as a person with this Infectious Disease..... I literally am considering leaving the US to either Canada or more likely France of all places and ONLY because of the "culture" of the people and medical care. I prefer France by a huge margin but the language barrier is an issue with my brain fog, all I will remember is my "bedroom" French from the Bordellos I used to visit
Anyway, I was once the big & strong type but now you can hear me cussin & *****in for a mile before ya see me! Thank God for my wife Trish. Still unspoiled and NEVER complains after all her battles and over 35 surgeries now for her. She inspires me to continue fighting my wars for a more noble purpose. To simply live up to HER example of living with problems while maintaining a digity like I never saw before. She is such a SWEETIE and even I couldn't break HER!