bluelyme said...
Mike i could not stand for but a few minutes 6months ago.. i can walk a lap in cosco now .
are you against taking antibiotics ? Btw 7 up,cosco muffin is sugar=candida
minocycline on internet is supercheap ,even rocephin is 6$a gram as a shot
maybe get some mino tinidazole and rifampin and diflucan and pulse them i bet you walk in 3 months since youre scared of bees ..
the video if you watched it is 10 well placed stings helps with pain and only burns for a minute ,not at all if you ice it and your house sounds cold enough ...come on mike what do you have to lose ...i will buy your first month of bees and va will cover epipen ..bok,bok bokbok bok
Thanks but no thanks Blue
And to be clear, not at all afraid of little bee stings, just find the idea a bit, uh, well not for me. Read it takes a 2 YEAR nonstop treatment plan and I just can't see it myself to once again wake up to find it failed as well. already about
to turn 68 years old in Feb if I make it so time is short! See a brief video IO had my wife take of my back for some pain rub I got last year, NOT afraid I promise....
/ And my stomach and chest wounds are FAR worse than my beg. Then we have my leg wounds. Oh and where my right leg was nearly completely severed by a Machete in a little hand to hand battle in that oh so fun Jungle...but those are pictures I don't like to share, a bit to gruesome. I don't even let Trish see me naked with the lights on after almost 40 years :-(
****Now, On the antibiotics! I have begged at least a dozen times for ANYONE who knows WHERE I can get them online, to tell me WHERE!!!! Publicly or privately, please TELL me. ALL the sites I went to were shady rip off outfits and no thanks. I have literally begged for info on how to find genuine sources for REAL drugs that require prescript
ions here in the US?
Now, what I have done is I just ordered this book and will do a 180 on diet and I WILL be 100% faithful on adhering to plan #3 which is the most brutal of her plans. Beginning Jan 1 and only so my wife Trish doesn't lost a couple hundred bucks in food already bought. I bought
/ have no idea how to survive no morning coffee and nuts at 5AM then Costco muffin at 1PM to hold me till 7 PM but here I go. I have survived and endured UNTHINKABLE horrors. Even marriage!
Several times!
So I can do this. Maybe this will stir something up. Once I get going and begin to adjust, I will resume my Tinctures. I don't know what else to do and pray stopping the herbs for a month or so don't undo any unseen improvements that MAY have been achieved that I just can't see? I honestly just don't know what else to do....
* Oh an as usual, Valerie at Sage never responded to my email. AS USUAL so I will be staying with Hawaii Pharm. At least I can go surfing with THAT bunch if I ever get better. Super people there and I have a nice bond with. MAHALO Dude